DC Motors run when powered by an Arduino connected to a computer but not a battery


DC Motors run when powered by an Arduino connected to a computer but not a battery

The first image is when I can get the motors working by powering it through the Arduino when the Arduino is connected to my computer, and the second image is when the motors are powered by the battery. The motors turn so slowly it takes about 3 minutes to make a single full rotation, so I think it has to do with low voltage but not sure how to solve? It makes even less sense to me that the motors run fine on a 5V output from the Arduino but not a 9V battery.

L298N Motor Controller
Arduino UNO
DAGU DG01 DC Motor

Working when powered by Arduino

DC Motors run when powered by an Arduino connected to a computer but not a battery
DC Motors run when powered by an Arduino connected to a computer but not a battery




DC Motors run when powered by an Arduino connected to a computer but not a battery

The first image is when I can get the motors working by powering it through the Arduino when the Arduino is connected to my computer, and the second image is when the motors are powered by the battery. The motors turn so slowly it takes about 3 minutes to make a single full rotation, so I think it has to do with low voltage but not sure how to solve? It makes even less sense to me that the motors run fine on a 5V output from the Arduino but not a 9V battery.

L298N Motor Controller
Arduino UNO
DAGU DG01 DC Motor

Working when powered by Arduino

DC Motors run when powered by an Arduino connected to a computer but not a battery
DC Motors run when powered by an Arduino connected to a computer but not a battery

